RHPH 377 Technology Information

Reserving the Room

To reserve RHPH 377, use the email rhph377@purdue.edu to invite the room to a meeting. Place the email in the "To:" address line when setting up a meeting.

Starting a Meeting

The display should turn on automatically when you enter the room. If it doesn't, use the remote control in the room.

To start a meeting, connect the USB and HDMI cable to a laptop or other device. A laptop is present in the conference room for this purpose. Start or join your meeting using the connected device. The screen at the front of the room can be used for presentations, and the USB camera and microphone for capturing audio from the conference room.

USB and HDMI Cable

Wireless Presentation

Instructions for presenting wireless to the conference unit can be found below.

Instructions for Mac

Instructions for PC

Submitted by Steve Hinz on
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