Information Technology Policies

Computers and Networks in the College of Pharmacy Purdue University


Access to computers, services and networks owned by Purdue University is a privilege governed by certain regulations and restrictions. These include rules defined by the University, as well as all applicable federal, state and local laws.

The College pledges to provide its authorized users the best computer and network access possible and protect those resources as much as possible from unauthorized use and access. Without this protection, these resources could be victims of internal and external attacks that deny authorized access or result in the loss, dissemination, or compromise of data.

In return, the user agrees to abide by the regulations set forth in the Purdue University Acceptable Use Policy. This means that the user agrees to behave responsibly according to the standards established by Purdue University while using University systems and network resources.

Frequently asked questions about Purdue IT policies

What are my rights?

All authorized users have the right to use computer and network resources within the guidelines set forth in Purdue's Policy.

The full text of Purdue's IT resource acceptable use policy is available here.

What about my privacy?

Purdue University does not routinely monitor the content of communications or transmissions using IT Resources. The University does, however, specifically reserve the right, with or without notice, to intercept, access, monitor, inspect, copy, store, use, or disclose the contents of communications or transmissions employing IT Resources when it reasonably believes these actions are appropriate in order to protect its Interests.

The full text of Purdue's policy for privacy for electronic information may be viewed here.

Further Information

Purdue Information Technology Policies

HIPAA Policies and Procedures FERPA Policies and Procedures

Copyright Law

Indiana Computer Tampering Law

Indiana Intimidation and Harassment Law